I spent a couple of hours tonight sorting out how to wire a NodeJS Express app to use both
the Passport authentication strategy for GitHub OAuth with
Swagger for Express. Normally, this
would be fairly straightforward. A wrinkle with other examples is I needed to disallow
all anonymous access for an intranet app.
I’m a big fan of Swagger UI – it’s a great, DRY way to auto-document your REST APIs. I expected Swagger
to be a natural fit with NodeJS. Suprisingly, I found the Swagger.Net implmentation for .Net’s WebAPI
to be considerably easier to use compared to the NodeJS implementation.
Swagger.Net easily drops into an existing WebAPI project. Not so with NodeJS.
In Node, you really have to write your REST APIs from the ground up using the Swagger packge. The other
wacky part for me was you need two Express apps side-by-side to handle requests for both REST APIs and
static content.
As we’ll see below, the subapp sandboxes the Swagger package to the /api/* route.
(I use a local copy of the swagger-node-express package downloaded to my source tree because I found that
the npm package was considerably outdated compared to the master branch of the swagger-node-express repo.)
Next, we configure PassportJS to use GitHub OAuth. GitHub will POST back to the route
/auth/github/callback upon successful authentication.
A critical piece of wiring is a reusable function to verify authentication:
// middleware to ensure user is authenticatedfunctionauthenticate(req,res,next){if(req.isAuthenticated()){returnnext();}if(req.headers['x-requested-with']==='XMLHttpRequest'){res.send("Authentication required",401);}else{res.redirect('/login');}}
The next key wiring is to configure both Express apps to use Passport as well as our authenticate function.
This approach prevents infinite OAuth HTTP 302 redirects:
// configure express to use swagger for the `/api` routesubpath.configure(function(){subpath.use(express.cookieParser());subpath.use(express.bodyParser());subpath.use(express.methodOverride());subpath.use(express.session({secret:config['SESSION_TOKEN']}));subpath.use(passport.initialize());subpath.use(passport.session());subpath.use(authenticate);swagger.setAppHandler(subpath);});// configure express for the static content on the `/` routeapp.configure(function(){app.use(express.cookieParser());app.use(express.bodyParser());app.use(express.methodOverride());app.use(express.session({secret:config['SESSION_TOKEN']}));app.use(passport.initialize());app.use(passport.session());app.use(app.router);app.use(authenticate);app.use('/api',subpath);/* mount `/api` using the subapp */// default document middleware for swagger/index.htmlapp.use('/swagger',function(req,res,next){if(req.url==='/swagger'){res.redirect('/swagger/');}next();});app.use('/swagger',express.static(path.join(__dirname,'public/swagger')));app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname,'public/client')));});
Finally, we define routes to handle OAuth logins and callbacks, then configure Swagger using the
route /api/doc, and finally start the server.